Capital Effectiveness Fundamentals vs. Capital Predictability
Stop benchmarking your capital project performance against other poorly executed projects and adopt a predictability-first mindset instead.
Stop benchmarking your capital project performance against other poorly executed projects and adopt a predictability-first mindset instead.
Discover how to simplify your capital project management strategy with Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) and Predictability Thinking.
How AWP and Predictability Thinking® are empowering professionals and transforming capital project organizations.
In this short, quick-read curriculum you’ll learn the basics of Predictability Thinking® — what it is, how it works, and why it’s necessary.
The Predictability Thinking® Index can expand to include categories of risk that were not in the framework at project inception. It is a dynamic risk measurement index purpose-built for capital projects, the first of its kind.
Make this the year you invest in yourself and your career by learning Advanced Work Packaging and Predictability Thinking®
Definitions, acronyms and project stages all in one place, with links to our most popular articles on key topics.
Exxon is just the latest in a long line of companies who have been forced to publicly admit the industry’s dirty little secret: we rarely deliver on-time and on-budget, and this failure costs investors, partners and taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars.
Why Advanced Work Packaging and Predictability Thinking™ are critical to the future success of Middle Eastern projects.
How Concord® is becoming the most valuable consulting company in the capital project industry
Concord® Project Technologies Inc.
1900 S. Norfolk St., Suite 350, San Mateo, CA, 94403
P: 1-800-982-6609