Promoting AWP In Europe: A New Concord® Partnership
Promoting, studying and implementing AWP in Europe: The Concord®-Centrale Lille partnership has launched!
Concord is at the vanguard of planned project delivery, and we spend a lot of time envisioning the principles and practices that have the power to establish and reinforce a project that is on time and in budget. We call this Predictability Thinking®, and we believe that it is a necessary addition to effective implementation of Advanced Work Packaging. Here in our Predictability Thinking® archive, you can read everything we’ve written about Predictability Thinking®, and join us as this unique and groundbreaking approach to capital project management evolves.
Promoting, studying and implementing AWP in Europe: The Concord®-Centrale Lille partnership has launched!
How your capital project execution team can benefit from comprehensive training in Predictability Thinking™ implementation
How your capital project execution team can benefit from comprehensive training in Predictability Thinking™ implementation
The Concord® Fundamentals series is designed to empower capital project professionals by making the Advanced Work Packaging process easy to understand.
A leading consultant and 60-year veteran of the field shares his most valuable insights for the future of the capital projects industry.
Established capital project management tools aren’t good enough. Predictability Thinking can help.
What are the leading measures of a successful capital project? What must you do today to ensure that you will meet all of the stage-gate requirements? What are the organizational habits that lead to stage-gate success? What systems do you need to introduce, refine, or eliminate? Predictability Thinking can help
How one downstream petrochemical company took the first step in developing an Advanced Work Packaging model.
How James Porter’s concept of the Reasonably Stable Platform can help us deliver megaprojects on-time and on-budget.
Former U.S. Army Chief of Engineers Tom Bostick outlines a four-part systems approach to resilience, and how it can transform capital projects — and the teams that build them.
Concord® Project Technologies Inc.
1900 S. Norfolk St., Suite 350, San Mateo, CA, 94403
P: 1-800-982-6609