How To Overcome Resistance To Change
There are good reasons why your organization is resistant to change. Once you understand those reasons, you can change how your organization introduces, executes and assesses change.
There are good reasons why your organization is resistant to change. Once you understand those reasons, you can change how your organization introduces, executes and assesses change.
Concord® Project Technologies founder Olfa Hamdi about the revolution Advanced Work Packaging is bringing to capital projects.
Learn how smart companies are setting a new, higher standard for powerful, integrated capital projects technology through Advanced Work Packaging.
University of Texas professor Bill O’Brien explains how Advanced Work Packaging has the power to create healthy capital projects.
It’s time for capital project executives to stop thinking of IT and Project Management as two separate line items. Here’s why »
Pioneering knowledge architect David Meza of NASA shows you how to transform your organization with connected knowledge.
Concord®‘s simple, easy-to-understand definitions for key Advanced Work Packaging terms and concepts.
Change happens. Learn how to manage requirements for Advanced Work Packaging with powerful requirements control tools. Read more »
The person you choose as your AWP champion is at the epicenter of your new work packaging program and the key to its success. She is the central point of contact for AWP implementation: She’ll be the main driver behind all of your integration efforts, and the person responsible for fostering a spirit of collaboration that encourages the entire team to get on board.
Here are six signs you’ve lost your way on the Path of Construction, and ideas for getting back on track. Read more »
Concord® Project Technologies Inc.
1900 S. Norfolk St., Suite 350, San Mateo, CA, 94403
P: 1-800-982-6609