Concord®’s AWP Start Up Package™ can get your organization up and running on AWP in less than three months
Advanced Work Packaging has been in use at forward-thinking capital project organizations for more than a decade now. Collectively, the industry has plenty of first-hand experience executing construction-driven projects, lots of anecdotal findings and lessons learned, and a handful of solid academic studies that support and provide insight into this approach. We’ve identified best practices, standardized systems, and established effective protocols. Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) has matured.
Despite this, many companies embarking on their first AWP implementation start from scratch. They hire consultants for multi-year engagements and painstakingly construct custom AWP implementation guides and training manuals, line by line and page by page. They spend years developing and delivering in-house training, and build oversight and assurance processes from the ground up. All of this costs millions, and takes years. Why?
Stop Reinventing the Wheel
If your company is getting ready to adopt Advanced Work Packaging, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You can get a fully customized, purpose-fit AWP project delivery system in place in as little as three months, and for a fraction of the cost of a from-scratch approach. Concord®’s AWP Acceleration Package™ provides everything you need to get started in four easy steps.

1 | Ready-to-Configure Library
Concord® is the only company that comes to the table with a comprehensive library of project delivery procedures and protocols that you can configure and customize to fit your unique needs. Our Turnkey AWP Procedures Manual is based on more than a decade working with the world’s largest capital project organizations, and provides a step-by-step guide from early definition through detailed engineering, construction, procurement, information management and more. It contains over 100 documentation pieces and we work side-by-side with you to align the manual with your stage-gate system, work breakdown structure and with your project management and contracting expectations.
2 | Training
Concord® Academy has developed an extensive library of self-directed, on-demand training options designed to bring capital project professionals up to speed on the principles and applications of Advanced Work Packaging. The modules are delivered ready-to-go with exams and tests, so you can use them as-is or present them to your employees as a co-branded training that is integrated into your own platform. Your key team members can achieve the Concord® Academy Certified AWP Professional ® designation, the industry’s leading certification program for capital project professionals.
3 | People
One or more Concord® consultants will be there to assist you every step of the way. Our consultants are veteran capital project professionals who are fully trained and certified in Advanced Work Packaging and have first-hand experience implementing pilot projects. All of our consultants have achieved the Concord® Academy Certified AWP Professional ® and AWP Champion designations, signifying a deep understanding of both the theory and application of Advanced Work Packaging in modern capital construction projects. Our team is your team.
4 | Assurance Tools
Concord® provides a robust suite of assurance tools so your teams can monitor performance, compliance and contractor performance. You’ll need checklists, questions and more, plus systems and processes to implement them. Concord® provides them all.
Change is inherently challenging, but there is no need for organizations to start from scratch. Take advantage of Concord®’s deep expertise and experience in designing and executing AWP implementation strategies. To learn more about the AWP Acceleration Package(™) and other ways we can help, contact us today!