Predictability Mindset
Predictability Thinking®

Why Capital Project Executives Need A Predictability Mindset

The magic recipe for predictable project delivery includes a project sponsor who understands and champions Predictability Thinking™ at all levels. Sponsors can achieve this by collecting experience in all aspects of capital project delivery, or they can achieve it by making a conscious effort to study and understand it.

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Chaos In Capital Projects
Capital Project Predictability

Chaos In Capital Projects Is Bad For Business

For centuries, it seems that our industry has operated on the unspoken assumption that “in chaos lies profit.” It worked for a long time, when commodity prices were high and transparency minimal. But chaos won’t work anymore.

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Deep Work For Capital Project Engineers
Capital Project Leadership

Deep Work For Capital Project Engineers: The Productivity Solution

How do you make engineers more productive? The best answer we’ve found can be summed up in just two words: Deep Work. This groundbreaking concept, pioneered by professor and author Cal Newport, posits that high quality work is a function not just of time spent, but also level of focus. For capital projects, add competency as well. Get the formula »

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Predictability Thinking®

Your Crystal Ball: The Power Of Predictability In Capital Projects

We’re in the business of making capital projects more predictable, so we spend a lot of time thinking about the principles and practices that have the power to establish and reinforce predictability. We call this predictability thinking™, and it’s going to transform your organization. Find out how »

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